What is Engineering Bubble? Is it still bubbling or bursting?

What is Engineering Bubble?

“Be an engineer or doctor “are two options all Indian parents think of. To be a doctor it takes a lot of time and money also, so a larger part of the students goes for engineering. Because everyone thinks to make a secure future these are the most prudent career options. This is a bubble created by the society regarding engineering. In India, 1.5 million engineers are being produced every year. Is everyone being employed? If not then why is this number increasing year by year? That’s why this is called a bubble.

Is this bubble going to burst?

Market researchers are saying no, this is not the time. Because India is a growing country, the various industries like technology, manufacturing, infrastructure, energy, etc. are being strong. So, there will be more demand for engineers in all the sectors. So, this is important for engineers to stay informed, skilled, and adaptable for upcoming situations. Let’s see the other side of the coin, everyone heard about the mass layoffs in recent years, especially in the IT industry. Most of them are engineers. There can be so many reasons like recession, or pandemic but companies are cutting their expenses by laying off less skilled engineers. One more report is coming that top-tier engineering colleges are struggling to provide placement to their students.

Conclusion: – So from all these scenarios we can conclude that it’s a very early phase to say that the engineering bubble is bursting. So many opportunities are coming shortly but they should fit into the company’s requirements. There are so many engineers but very few skilled engineers. So they have to develop their skills to grab the opportunity.
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